Business, project,
and technical
solutions to increase
your success.
Request a 30-minute free consultation
to see for yourself.
Our experienced consultants provide guidance and support to organizational leaders. Our input is based on years of experience in similar situations but focused on your specific environment and organizational needs. Company needs vary but are generally:
🔹Strategy 🔹Financials 🔹Operations 🔹HR 🔹Marketing 🔹Sales 🔹Technology
🔹Change Management🔹General Management.
Examples of engagements include:
• Transitioning services company – Offering strategic planning, financial remediation, budgeting, and projects, market analysis, plus fractional operational and technical resources throughout the transition.
• Unprofitable legacy software company – Temporarily managing the company until restructuring was completed. Better engaging and empowering individual contributors, mitigating personnel risks, rebaselining the product plans, and providing realistic forecasting.
• Downsizing consumer product company – Providing focused input to a company needing to downsize and pivot their business. This included key resource retention, outplacement, change management, and market analysis.
• Growing services company – Modifying prior plans, structure, and expectations with a more focused, performance-based approach including quantifying success by defined results versus general impressions.
These services generally start with a brief (free) introductory call to better understand a company’s goals and needs. Based on mutual fit, we provide a proposal on how to move forward with services retained by hour, by project, or via a monthly retainer.
Program Management
Usey Consulting provides management and other resources for strategic programs or for individual projects. Our team has significant experience at actively managing large multi-year programs at Fortune 200 companies down to key short-term projects at start-ups achieving very targeted deliverables.
We have found the most companies have the following program/project needs:
Tools, roles, and metrics defined for efficiently managing projects
Program/project defined, set up, and initialized
Contracted resources provided for key roles such project manager or web designer
Fractional C-Suite Resources
For smaller companies or those going through transitions:
🔹Start-ups🔹Rapid growth🔹Imminent outsourcing🔹M&A🔹Restructuring
There is frequently a need for short-term but highly qualified functional leadership.
We provide this leadership throughout these transitions, providing guidance, operational support, and mentoring. Roles we commonly fill are:
🔹CEO🔹COO🔹CTO🔹CIO🔹CFO🔹Engineering Management🔹 Product Management🔹Change Management.